Applied Cryptography
Learning more about cryptographic algorithms and their real-world use.Lab Manual
AC Lab Manual
Distributed by Manipal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
Table of Contents
6th Semester
Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange
Imitate and represent the exchange of keys between two "people".
6th Semester
ECC Point Addition
Calculate the slope for two given coordinates and calculate the next point.
6th Semester
ECC Point Doubling
Calculate the slope for a given curve and compute the next coordinate.
6th Semester
ElGamal Cryptosystem
Decrypt a message from multiple ciphertexts, using shared secrets.
6th Semester
Jacobi Symbol
Implement the algorithm to compute Jacobi's Symbol in Java.
6th Semester
Primality Test
Verify the primality of a given number through tests and multiple iterations.
6th Semester
Rabin Cryptosystem
Compute non-deterministic versions of the encrypted message provided by the user.