Data Algorithms & Analysis
Covers sorting, searching, graph algorithms, and time complexity analysis.Lab Manual
DAA Lab Manual
Distributed by Manipal Institute of Technology, Bengaluru.
Table of Contents
4th Semester
Brute Force Techniques I
Experiment with sorting, searching and more using C.
4th Semester
Brute Force Techniques II
Implement well-known programming problems in C.
4th Semester
Decrease & Conquer
Implement insertion sort, BFS and DFS in C.
4th Semester
Divide & Conquer
Implement merge sort and quick sort in C.
4th Semester
Doubly Linked List
Recall implementation of linked lists from DSA.
4th Semester
Simple Algorithms
Implement square root, "Towers of Hanoi" and more in C.
4th Semester
Space & Time Tradeoffs
Explore dynamic problems and their solutions through algorithms.