Nov 08, 2023 Full Adder VHDL Forms
Exploring and implementing three different types of full-adder forms. Verilog Code
module fullAdder(
input a, b, c_in,
output sum, c_out
assign sum = a ^ b ^ c_in;
assign c_out = (a & b) | (a & c_in) | (b & c_in);
module fulladder(abc, sum, carry
input [2:0] abc,
output reg sum, carry
always@(abc) begin
case (abc)
3’b000: begin sum=1’b0; carry=1’b0; end
3’b001: begin sum=1’b1; carry=1’b0; end
3’b010: begin sum=1’b1; carry=1’b0; end
3’b011: begin sum=1’b0; carry=1’b1; end
3’b100: begin sum=1’b1; carry=1’b0; end
3’b101: begin sum=1’b0; carry=1’b1; end
3’b110: begin sum=1’b0; carry=1’b1; end
3’b111: begin sum=1’b1; carry=1’b1; end
module fullAdder(
input a, b, c_in,
output sum, c_out
wire temp1, temp2, temp3;
halfAdder HA1 (a, b, temp1, temp2);
halfAdder HA2 (c_in, temp1, sum, temp3);
assign c_out = temp3 | temp2;
module halfAdder(
input a, b,
output s, c
assign s = a ^ b;
assign c = a & b;