Sep 12, 2024 Banker's Algorithm
A resource allocation method that ensures safe process execution while preventing deadlocks. Source Code
class BankersAlgorithm:
def __init__(self, num_processes, num_resources):
self.num_processes = num_processes
self.num_resources = num_resources
# Maximum resources required by each process
self.max_resources = [[0] * num_resources for _ in range(num_processes)]
# Allocation of resources to each process
self.allocation = [[0] * num_resources for _ in range(num_processes)]
# Available resources
self.available = [0] * num_resources
def input_resources(self):
print("Enter maximum resources for each process:")
for i in range(self.num_processes):
self.max_resources[i] = list(map(int, input(f"Process {i} max resources: ").split()))
print("Enter allocated resources for each process:")
for i in range(self.num_processes):
self.allocation[i] = list(map(int, input(f"Process {i} allocated resources: ").split()))
print("Enter available resources:")
self.available = list(map(int, input("Available resources: ").split()))
def calculate_needs(self):
self.needs = [[self.max_resources[i][j] - self.allocation[i][j] for j in range(self.num_resources)]
for i in range(self.num_processes)]
def is_safe(self):
work = self.available[:]
finish = [False] * self.num_processes
safe_sequence = []
while len(safe_sequence) < self.num_processes:
allocated = False
for i in range(self.num_processes):
if not finish[i] and all(self.needs[i][j] <= work[j] for j in range(self.num_resources)):
# Simulate allocating resources
for j in range(self.num_resources):
work[j] += self.allocation[i][j]
finish[i] = True
allocated = True
if not allocated:
print("System is not in a safe state.")
return False, []
print("System is in a safe state.")
print("Safe sequence is:", safe_sequence)
return True, safe_sequence
def request_resources(self, process_id, request):
print(f"Process {process_id} requests resources: {request}")
if any(request[j] > self.needs[process_id][j] for j in range(self.num_resources)):
print("Error: Process has exceeded its maximum claim.")
return False
if any(request[j] > self.available[j] for j in range(self.num_resources)):
print("Resources not available. Process must wait.")
return False
# Pretend to allocate requested resources
for j in range(self.num_resources):
self.available[j] -= request[j]
self.allocation[process_id][j] += request[j]
self.needs[process_id][j] -= request[j]
# Check for safety
is_safe, _ = self.is_safe()
if not is_safe:
# Rollback
for j in range(self.num_resources):
self.available[j] += request[j]
self.allocation[process_id][j] -= request[j]
self.needs[process_id][j] += request[j]
print("Request cannot be granted, reverting changes.")
return False
print("Resources allocated successfully.")
return True
def main():
num_processes = int(input("Enter number of processes: "))
num_resources = int(input("Enter number of resources: "))
bank = BankersAlgorithm(num_processes, num_resources)
safe, _ = bank.is_safe()
while True:
process_id = int(input("Enter process ID to request resources (or -1 to exit): "))
if process_id == -1:
request = list(map(int, input(f"Enter resource request for process {process_id}: ").split()))
bank.request_resources(process_id, request)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Enter number of processes: 5
Enter number of resources: 3
Enter maximum resources for each process:
Process 0 max resources: 7 5 3
Process 1 max resources: 3 2 2
Process 2 max resources: 9 0 2
Process 3 max resources: 2 2 2
Process 4 max resources: 4 3 3
Enter allocated resources for each process:
Process 0 allocated resources: 0 1 0
Process 1 allocated resources: 2 0 0
Process 2 allocated resources: 3 0 2
Process 3 allocated resources: 2 1 1
Process 4 allocated resources: 0 0 2
Enter available resources: 3 3 2
System is in a safe state.
Safe sequence is: 1 0 3 4 2
Enter process ID to request resources (or -1 to exit): 1
Enter resource request for process 1: 1 0 2
Process 1 requests resources: 1 0 2
Resources allocated successfully.
Enter process ID to request resources (or -1 to exit): 4
Enter resource request for process 4: 0 2 0
Process 4 requests resources: 0 2 0
Resources allocated successfully.
Enter process ID to request resources (or -1 to exit): -1